Akahu White Label

Akahu provides open finance infrastructure for New Zealand. 

You can use our APIs to build powerful experiences for your users. However if you don’t want to build yourself, we can build white label experiences for you.


Work with our team to design a product that meets your needs, then get it deployed within 12 weeks.


Akahu white label solutions are delivered by our team of experienced technologists. No one knows open finance in New Zealand better than us.


Launch features that set your product apart from competitors. We can connect your other data sources for a seamless customer experience.

Aggregate financial accounts into one place

  • Give your customer the freedom to select products from different providers. But help them to stitch everything together in your app.
  • Become the primary financial account for your customers.
  • Enable 1-tap loan applications.
  • Display a live view of net worth.
Dolla account aggregation screen

Automatically categorise transactions

  • Use the enriched dataset to automatically create historical and forward-looking budgets.
  • Help customers to manage subscriptions and other recurring payments.
  • Help your customers to understand their transactions.
  • Notify a customer when specific transactions occur
  • Provide proactive and personalised engagement based on enriched data feeds.
Screen showing list of transactions in Dolla

Move money like a magician

  • Enable customers to set up dollar cost averaging triggered through fixed amounts, sweeping, roundup, or percentage of income.
  • Make payments to any destination bank account.
Dolla account settings screen

Onboard customers in a heartbeat

  • Verify the name of your customer using data from connected accounts.
  • Verify the address of your customers from connected accounts.
  • Verify the bank account(s) to be used for any deposits and withdrawals.
Image showing the identity information that's returned from connected accounts

Talk with our team

Using the API

Keen to get started right now? Create a personal app which will grant you instant API access to your own accounts.

If you want access to a full app, contact us and we'll set it up.

Get in touch

Contract services

Our team can provide contract services to explore or build the functionality that you have in mind.

We'd love to discuss the options with you.

Get in touch